Amsterdam – Amsterdam

Lokalita: Amsterdam
Počet osob: 45
Datum: Září 2022

Amsterdam offers plenty of experiences and extraordinary adventures. That's why we took a group of 45 participants to this city of canals, art and seagulls at the end of September.

Our first stop was at a 15th century building that used to serve as a city gate. In the Waag (weighing house) we started the day with a proper brunch. After a short walk around the city and check in at the hotel, our program headed to the famous Heineken brewery. Not only did we learn a lot of new information about the history and production of the world famous beer, but we had the opportunity to taste the beer right at the source. The Heineken bar absorbed us all with its atmosphere and some of us even danced. If we hadn't had our first dinner together, some of the participants might have stayed much longer... After the Heineken we had a delicious multi-course dinner in a nearby cosy restaurant. After dinner, we moved back to the centre of the action with the participants and got caught up in the swirl of nightlife.

The next day, a busy program awaited us from the very morning. Part of the participants went with a guide to discover the nooks and crannies of Amsterdam and the other part went to see Amsterdam from a bird's eye view, more specifically from the A'DAM Lookout building. After having lunch together and sharing their experiences with each other, the groups swapped. Before sunset, we walked together to the harbor where a boat was waiting for us with a delicious Dutch buffet, good wine and of course unlimited amounts of the famous Heineken. After cruising the canals and disembarking, our journey took us to RedLight Alley.

On the last day, we left the program free, but the participants could of course choose one of the individual trips. One of the trips that had the highest number of participants was a bike ride. What better way to experience Amsterdam than by riding bikes! Some participants went to explore Amsterdam from an artistic perspective, others went to explore more of the city and its back streets, some even went to the Zaanse Schans (open air museum). Our final evening took place at the former Dutch Grand Prix circuit - Zandvoort beach. We visited a restaurant right on the beach, so we could watch the beautiful sunset while enjoying some BBQ specialties. We ended the evening in a dancing mood in the clubs in the centre of Amsterdam.

Since our last day was not until our evening flight, we decided to say goodbye to Amsterdam with a beautiful view. After lunch, we went for a final drink on the roof of the famous Hotel W. Together we toasted to a successful event and slowly made our way to the airport.


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